(Note: follows major characters & events in the Galactic Confed Universe)

The Great Seal of the Galactic Confederation
Great Seal of the Galactic Confederation of Planets


WARNING: These Descriptions May Contain Spoilers!

2118 Vaegan War of Succession started and was one of the bloodiest wars that the planet had ever witnessed
2120 Vaegan War of Succession ended
2142 Ares Dayne is born
2167 First appointment of a Vaegan as a Chief Medical Officer: Doctor Ares Dayne on the maiden voyage of the Magellan
2174 Magellan's CMO Doctor Ares Dayne goes missing
2192 Galena's initial contact with Confederation representatives
2196 Vaega is admitted as a member world in the Confederation
2207 Galena is admitted as a member world in the Confederation
2239 Byron MacNeil Argent is born
2241 Ashley Windham is born
2254 Replacement of the 100 year old Galenan outpost with a more modern facility
2266 Thomas Dylan Argent is born
2268 Galenan System is slated to receive a new Centurion Class Space Station that would eventually be named Nexus to reflect the area's cultural heritage as a focal point of interstellar commerce
2275 Space Station Nexus is completed
2277 Space Station Nexus is fully operational
2279 Wildcatter Oliver Whitley discovers one of the largest deposits of trilithium in the Cunard system
2290 Arcadia D'Arcy is born
2292 Rigel Cup Competition is founded by Oliver Whitley

Terrence Crown Blair is born

Hakon Ja'Fadey becomes the new Regent of Galena after his father dies; the  Ja'Fadey family has ruled Galena for almost 800 years
2294 Thomas Dylan Argent (age 28) marries Martine Madelyn Descoyne (age 20)
2295 Kyle Descoyne Argent is born

Galactic Confederation Fighter Corps Articles of Affiliation are signed with Captain Byron Argent as the provisional Commandant
2297 Commodore Ash Windham takes over as the first appointed Commandant of the Galactic Confederation Fighter Corps
2300 Ash Windham disappears at age 61
2305 Damien Wyndham is born
2306 Ariel Beatrice Argent is born
2308 Arcadia enters Confederation Academy
2311 Kyle enters Confederation Academy as a Cadet
2312 Byron makes his grandchildren Ariel and Kyle heirs to his share of Argent House, one of the wealthiest shipping concerns

Arcadia D'Arcy graduates Academy & enters the Confederation Academy of Medicine (CAM)
2313 Byron dies heroically at age 74

Terrence is assigned to the Forrestal
2315 Kyle graduates Academy in the Command track & is commissioned as an Ensign
2316 First Federation encounter with Szantrappi

Kyle graduates Flight School, marries Reesa Ostland, receives his first assignment on the Forrestal

Arcadia graduates CAM majoring in Surgery & Radiology & is assigned to the April as a Junior Surgeon; promoted to LtJG
2318 Kyle (promoted to LtJG) & Terrence are transferred to Arabesque; Kyle is immediately put on temporary duty assigned to Outpost 42345 on the Frontier where he first meets the pilot Morag

Marine Corpsman, Ike Ivanan is assigned to the April

Arcadia meets and marries Security Officer Desmond Newlin Devlin
2319 Kyle transfers to Fleet Carrier Kirov & meets Lt. Amanda Peel, his Squadron Commander
2320 Kyle and Marine Corpsman, Dwight "Ike" Ivanan (who is on a six month temporary assignment) are stranded on the planet Tandoshan for six months

Desmond is transferred to the Imhotep

Arcadia and Ike are transferred to the Imhotep several months later
2321 Amanda & her second are injured, Kyle takes over as Squadron CO; promoted to Lieutenant

One Year War begins and ends in six months

Desmond is killed, Ike transfers to Marine Special Operations, & Arcadia renounces Healing for Medical Administration
2322 Szantrappi delegation meet aboard Kirov in a peace ploy; Reesa dies in Kyle's arms while he is injured

Kyle is promoted to Lt. Commander

Infamous "Night of the Ironman" with Commander Terrence Blair as Kyle's wingman; Kyle earns a Medal of Honor; Terrence is badly injured & transfers to Fighter Corps Judicial Administration
2323 Szantrappi incursion officially ends

Kyle is transfer to Escort Carrier Clemenceau after a court martial

Kyle is bounced to Coronado -- considered a step down for a pilot of his renown

Arcadia is assigned to the Gilles de la Tourette as a Medical Administrator
2324 Kyle is requested by Fighter Ops to test the Lynx Class experimental fighter where he meets Amanda Peel again and Captain Cordell Naismith for first time

Arcadia is promoted to Lt. Commander
2325 (Kyle's missions during this time are still classified)

Arcadia is promoted to Chief Medical Officer of the Tourette
2326 Kyle's Lynx assignment ends, assigned to his first training squadron as an instructor on Earth (not the Academy)

Kyle is assigned to another Training Squadron
2327 Kyle is assigned to miscellaneous administration work
2338 Terrence is promoted to Captain and becomes the Chief Investigator for the Fighter Corps
2329 Kyle returns as a Fighter Instructor

Arcadia is assigned to the
Soyakaze as the 2nd Officer
2330 Arcadia is promoted to First Officer

Kyle is given yet another desk job, this time, developing training manuals
2331 Arcadia is promoted to Captain of the Soyakaze

Kyle is assigned to the Carrier Escort Ingram as the Wing Commander
2335 Kyle is assigned to Soyakaze as the Squadron Commander
2336 Kyle is promoted to Commander and takes a second Tour of Duty as Squadron Commander aboard the Soyakaze
2337 Soyakaze is decommissioned and disappears

Arcadia Devlin leaves command & goes back to Healing. She begins her re-certification training at the Taussig Hospital where she meets up with again Marine Lieutenant Ike Ivanan

Kyle is promoted to Captain and is assigned as a test pilot at Sagan Fields, Mars, for the new prototype Shadowhawk Fighter

[Sep] Kyle competes at the 42nd Rigel Cup and wins his 5th Individual Rigel Cup Title

[Sep] Captain Kyle Argent marries Doctor Arcadia Devlin at Regency Station

[Sep] Kyle and Arcadia return to Westland Hall, Oregon, where they prepare for their new assignments on Space Station Nexus. During this time, Arcadia discovers that Kyle's pet feline,
Machiavelli, isn't quite what he appears to be.
2338 [Jan] Kyle is assigned to Space Station Nexus as the Station Commanding Officer & Arcadia is assigned to Space Station Nexus as Chief Medical Officer

[Apr] Ike Ivanan & Terrence Blair arrive at Space Station Nexus

[Jun] Arcadia suffers a near fatal accident on the flight deck

[Sep] Kyle meets the Regent of Galena during the so-called "Chocolate Crisis"
2339 [Jan] Kyle and Arcadia hold a Holiday Party

[Feb] Boffin Gateway opens up his new Nexus nightclub, Serenade in Blue

[Mar] Grandmasters make "Lady Hawk" one of their own

[Apr] Former Squadron Commander Kyle Argent accepts an award for his old
Soyakaze 924th Squadron

[May] Kyle and Arcadia attend the Galenan Regent's Spring Gala

[June] Arcadia helps prepare a mortally wounded mission specialist die

[Aug] Kyle and Arcadia clash over the disposition of a Galenan Citizen requesting asylum

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Last Update: 08 June, 2003

This work is copyright Allyson M. W. Dyar 1998-2012, all rights reserved. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site without my explicit permission. Permission is granted for one hard copy for personal use.