Fellow Fleeters, Over the last few months many of us have come to realize that STARFLEET is once again on the upswing. There is a distinct swagger to STARFLEET and it's members once more and this in my opinion can be directly attributed to the valiant efforts of FAdm Smith and his EC slate. With this in mind, I would like to hereby announce my candidacy for the position of Commander, STARFLEET in the 1998 Election. So now you might ask 'Why praise the sitting CS and then announce your intention to run against him?' The simple answer is this: Mike Smith and his slate has done a good job getting 'fleet where it is now. But we think we can do a better taking 'fleet to 'the next level' -- and that is why we are running. When I say "we", i of course mean my running mate and my slate. I would like to take this moment to introduce them one by one: RAdm. Michael Malotte, R12 for VCS I think few words need to be said about Mike's skill and ability. He was able to take charge of Region 12 at a critical moment and not only stabilize it, but make it stronger then ever. But not only that, I personally feel provided to call him my friend. This isn't a 'Kurt is the CS, everyone else get in line behind him' kind of ticket -- this is a cooperative venture, with Mike as my partner and (in my mind) equal. BGen Les Rickard, R1 for Chief of Operations Les already serves as Vice-Chief for Operations in the current admin and has an intimate working knowledge of the system by which STARFLEET functions. Experienced and with a background in law enforcement, we consider him to be a vital asset to all of STARFLEET. RAdm Allyson Dyar, R5 for Chief of Communications I think there isn't anything I can say about STARFLEET's beloved "Listmommy" that hasn't been said before (or that Blair Learn hasn't expressed more eloquently), but suffice to say that in my mind there is no one better person more qualified to take STARFLEET's communication division, both in print and online then the person who for nearly 15 years published an award winning Sci-Fi fanzine and who has guided STARFLEET's online presence from it's infancy to the present day. Capt. Tom "Coffee" Restivo, R7 for Commandant of the Academy Tom has served the current academy commandant faithfully and thus has gained crucial knowledge of the operation of what is perhaps STARFLEET's most prominent subsidiary. Already Tom is bustling with ideas for new colleges and ways to make the Academy more enjoyable for all members of 'fleet. He has also vowed to offer the current Commandant the position of "Lackey grrl" in case of our victory. A sportsman-like gesture if I ever saw one! Adm. Alex Rosenzweig, R7 for Chief of ShoC Few people in 'fleet have had as distinguished a career in STARFLEET as Alex has. a CO for over a decade as well as a former RC and current chief of the Department of Technical Services, Alex knows the ins and outs of the process of starting up a shuttle like few others. He is a true asset to any position that he might hold. Capt. Greg Trotter, R12 for Chief of Computer Operations Already in charge of Membership processing in Comp Ops now (and as well as maintaining one of the 2 sfi.org servers), Greg is the ideal choice for this position. All right, one might say, that looks like an impressive slate -- so what exactly sets this group apart from what we got now? Simple: our commitment to improving STARFLEET's services. Here are some items our team intends to implement: 1. Outsourcing of membership material distribution. We have already contacted a provider of such service and have a solid offer for services for STARFLEET that will guarantee a membership processing turnaround of no longer then 10 days or their service fee for the month (a most reasonable $120) is waived. It is our belief that this price and level of service is almost impossible to match. 2. A new Membership Handbook. Within the next few weeks our team will complete it's work on our MHB draft proposal, with a new and user friendly layout and published as a saddle stiched manual with four color printing on slick paper with gold foil accents. Furthermore, the first 500 will be individually numbered and signed by our team -- so it will be an immediate collectors item. Along with this MHB, we have secured a printing facility that will enable to not only publish the MHB at the highest quality ever of any STARFLEET MHB, it will also allow us to print and publish CQ's with better stock paper, more color and no brown paper bags for virtually the same amount currently paid. 3. Accountability. Our team intends to publish financial information and other vital information not only once every other month, but once every other week. This promise will be signed by myself and notarized. If we ever should fail to live up to it, it will result in my immediate resignation. 4. Financial Stability. Our motto is "work smarter, not harder". To this end we believe that given our high level of professionalism and our ability to render services that are of the highest quality for the same amount of money (or less), it is our belief tat the Chapter Charter Fee is obsolete and thus will not be imposed under our administration. 5. Growth. We are committed to growth and progress unlike any other Administration before us. Our concrete goals include helping to foster an online presence of no less then 80% of STARFLEETS chapters within our first term of office and setting up a network by which computer parts can be collected and traded, which will allow us to equip chapters currently without computers with the tools necessary to communicate in the 21st century. Lastly, there is something that though rather intangible, if very close to me personally: Honor and integrity. The reason for me running is not one based on the fact that I have a problem with Mike Smith personally -- far from it. I still consider Mike Smith to be a valued friend and in fact expect our campaign to be perhaps the most civil in the history of STARFLEET. Furthermore I personally intend to offer FAdm. Smith a position on my Team as a special Assistant to the CS - -- if he'll take it. There is no animosity here, folks. Only a firm belief that we have a better plan for STARFLEET's future, thats all. And it is thusly we have banded together as a slate. Everyone who is part of this team is here because not only to we believe in ourselves -- but we believe in each other. There is no need for periodic uses of obscure "god clauses" or other items that can only sow dissent amongst ourselves. We all firmly believe in putting STARFLEET and it's members first and our own beliefs and needs second. to do so is the only way to maintain the integrity of our own personal honor. To fail STARFLEET's members means to fail utterly and completely as human beings. You might say, we are blessed with additional motivation. I hope you will give Roithinger/Malotte your support when the nominating period opens this summer. With regards, Team Testosterone. We can all but smell our own manlyness.