Team Jaguar's Guide for STARFLEET Elections
Top Ten Clichés heard on Various Regional Election Lists
ü "I'm going to put the 'fun' back in the region."
going to restore communications in the region."
"We're going to do things on time, and in a timely manner."
"I promise that the [name of publication] will come out on time, every time."
"The current staff is doing their job well, but we can do so much more."
"We all need to work together to make this the best region it can be."
"Fiscal responsibility will be heightened and brought to a new awareness under
my administration."
"I plan to keep the membership more informed of AB activities."
"If you have ideas, I want to hear them. My door is always open."
"I plan to restore the region to its
glory days."

This list brought to you by various candidates for Regional Coordinator.
Remember, we didn't make this stuff up. John Adcock compiled it.
It's all rhetoric that's actually been said on an election list or platform.
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