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[Team Jaguar]

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The members of the U.S.S. Jaguar pride themselves on providing services to STARFLEET above and beyond what most chapters produce. In almost every case, from production of the STARFLEET Communique, to the creation of STARFLEET documents (and everything in between), it's always a team effort. While one or two of our members might take lead on a project, we're always helping each other with everything from graphics and layout to the writing of text.

As such, we've decided that since everything is indeed a team effort, we would credit it as such. Thus, Team Jaguar was born. Wherever you see the Team Jaguar logo, you can be certain that the effort put into the project was nothing less than 100% by some of the most talented individuals in STARFLEET.

The Team Jaguar roster may fluctuate from time to time, but the core members are Scott Akers, Allyson M. W. Dyar,  Kurt Roithinger, Susan Ueffing, John "Kamarag" Adcock and Chris "Tigger" Wallace.

If you have any questions about Team Jaguar, please contact us.


[Team Jaguar!]

The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Web Site is copyright Team Jaguar 1998-2008, all rights reserved. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site, or use the graphics on this page without our explicit permission.