Region 5 Logo

SPACEFLEET SEKTOR 5: Greetings, Comrade!
Sektor 5 Links
  • Sektor 5 Glorious Homepage
  • Sektor 5 Senior Comrades
  • Co-Prosperity Units of Sektor 5
  • Sektor 5 Supreme Awards
  • Sektor 5 Conference: Our Glorious Meeting
  • Sektor 5 KGB
  • Sektor 5 in the People's Invisible Information System (PIIS)
  • Sektor 5 Genealogy: Our Glorious Past
  • Sektor 5 Glorious Links
  • Sektor 5 Propaganda
  • Sektor 5 Symbols
  • Even More Sektor 5 Propaganda
  • Secret Sektor 5 Projects
  • Yet Even more Sektor 5 Propaganda
  • 5th People's Army
  • People's Snitching Service Page
Peoples SPACEFLEET Glorious Links:
  • COMINTERN Bulletins
  • Spacefleet Propaganda
  • Spacefleet Homepage
  • Mighty People's Army Homepage


Bourgeois Links:
  • Sektor 5 Web Resources*

    *(the WWW is a fascist capitalist tool of imperialist pigs)

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(Evil Monopolist Pigs)


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(The Choice of Sektor 5 -- as it should be of the proletariat everywhere -- until those imperialist pigs at AOL took them over, anyway!)

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(A bit too reactionary for even us, but...)


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(We would like to call them evil capitalist pigs, but their products are the best advertisement yet that a free market economy does not work.)




Visit STARFLEET Region 5


The Glorious Free People's Republics of Sektor Five, also known as the Magnificent Fifth Fleet, is one of many imminent geographic Sektors world-wide of Mighty People's SPACEFLEET International under the current directorate of the COMMINTERN. 

Sektor Five includes the Free People's Republics of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington and we boast TEN illustrious Co-Prosperity Units in our Glorious Sektor. To enlighten yourself on Our Glorious Free People's Republics of Sektor Five, you will utilize the People's Invisible Information System (PIIS) and transmit a dispatch to the People's Communist Party Chairman and Supreme Premier, Comrade Admiral Kurt Roithinger (

The Co-Prosperity Units of the Free People's Republic of Sektor 5 are deeply committed to the realization of the historical necessity of the theorem's of Groucho Marx. Through their brave and courageous efforts of our many citizen workers, the
People's Republics of Sektor Five has excelled in many, many areas, such as funding our brethren Revolutionaries seeking to cast out the Capitalist Intelligencia in other Sektors. Our feats in the field of propaganda are unrivaled anywhere within the Mighty People's SPACEFLEET International, especially with our Number One export, the powerful, yet perfectly efficient PIP-47, centerpiece of our vast nyetwork of socialized party animals. Since the dawn of the Space Age, no one has exactly been trembling at the sound of our rockets, but then we don't really care. After all, in our minds, whatever others have done, we too have done, at least twice over. 

The Foundation of the Great State that is the Free People's Republic of Sektor 5 was laid by the Great Philosopher, Moralist, Dental Patient, and all-around Cool Comrade, Robert Tsunovovitch Hilton, our First People's Chairman (of note, anyway). It was his incessant crusade to keep the Marshallite Anarchists contained that formed the basis our Glorious Free People's Republic. It is in honor of his free and unyielding spirit that our soaring, ethereal Glorious Free People's Patriotic Democratic Republican Populist Doo-Wop Anthem was created to inspire all the workers of this Great and Glorious Free People's Republic of Sektor 5. 

Our Most Glorious, Unwavering and forever flying Flag: 

Our Most Glorious, Unwavering and forever flying Flag


It is mandatory that all free citizens commit the lyrics to our Glorious Free People's Patriotic Democratic Nationalist Conspiratorial Republican Populist Doo-Wop Anthem to Memory, Heart, and Soul. Study guides and other resources can be  found by following the link provided. (Under Deconstruction)

Glorious Free People's Patriotic Democratic Nationalist Conspiratorial Republican 
Populist Doo-Wop Anthem Lyrics found here!

Robert Tsunovovitch Hilton, of thee we sing!

You are also required to know who your current Representatives are on the Supreme Boisenovya, which meets occasionally in either St. Portlandsburg or Redmondgrad. 

"Da. We whip it! We whip it GOO-OO-OOD!"

"Dissatisfied Microserfs of the world unite! And let's go lynch the Monopolist Windows 98 Development Team!"

"Tetris, Tetris...always Tetris."

"One Region Down -- and one more to go, my Socialist friends!"

Honored Hero of the Glorious Free People's Republic of Sektor 5.

"Friends, Comrades, Sektorpersons..."

"Fourscore and 7 paragraphs ago, I brought up a point that may yet have bearing on this argument. Whether it is in this case or the next case remains yet to be seen. However, in the interests of keeping this treatise under its usual length of roughly 2000 pages, I would like to propose that..."



The Supreme Boisenovya recently announced the conferring  of the Order of Marx, 2nd Class, 3rd Grade and 4th Order to Comrade Colonel General Scott Alvinovitch Akers of the Glorious Free People's KGB Office for services above and beyond the call of duty for making the Glorious Free People's SPACEFLEET safe once more for all glorious free citizens!


Concluding Statements of the Glorious Free People's Website.

These pages were laid out and created by Team Nexus-Red (but not Team Nexus-Blue -- Coming Soon: Team Nexus-Yellow. Gotta collect them all!) using Microsoft (Monopolist Pigs)  FrontPage 98 and were authorized for replication on various browsers including Netscape (The People's choice) versions 1.22, 2.02, 3.01, and Communicator/Navigator 4.7  as well as Microsoft (Monopolist Pigs) Internet Explorer. We of the Glorious Free People's Republic of Sektor 5 have gone out of our way to make the images on this site have text labels which makes the site easier to use for those reactionaries using a Lynx-based browser.

The Sektor 5 logo and the Title Images used across this site were created by the most magnificent PIP-47 (

If you have any questions about this page, contact Team Nexus-Reds.

(Glorious Free People's Messaging Stamp. Please affix one to each and every message sent via the People's Invisible Information System (PIIS)

We rated with RSACi

(Reactionary Censors of the People)


Star Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager; STARFLEET, STARFLEET ACADEMY all ® Paramount Pictures (and if you think us Commies are bad, wait until you get a load of these boys!), a VIACOM company. No Infringement Intended. SPACEFLEET - The International STAR TREK Fan Association , Inc., is NOT a non-profit corporation in the State of NC, is not connected with Paramount, VIACOM, or Star Trek: The Official Fan Club, and has not been in existence since 1974.

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