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Ships Roster

We Were Team Jaguar!

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Commanding Officer. USS Jaguar, NCC-74750
Admiral Allyson M. W. Dyar
Executive Officer, USS Jaguar, NCC-74750
Brigadier General Susan Ueffing
Ship's Curmudgeon
Admiral Kurt Roithinger
Bartender - Kokaua Kiki's
Admiral Chris Wallace
Entertainment Officer  
Fleet Captain S. Adam Day
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer  
Captain  Glo Hanson
Computer Engineer  
Captain Craig L. Wood III
Anime Specialist  
Commander  Dafydd Neal Dyar
Bingo Queen  
Commander  Rhonda K. Day
Mother Confessor  
Lt Commander  Michele Fischer
Communication's Specialist  
Lt Commander Neal Fischer
512th Mobile Infantry Officer in Charge  
Lt Colonel Scott Smith
Graphics Maestro  
Lieutenant  Brad Evans
Da Wizzard  
Lieutenant  Andrew Hammons
Bingo Boy  
Ensign  Phillip F. Day
Graphics Guru  
Ensign  Enrique Gallegos
Chief Pest Control Officer    
Sergeant Major Das Whip
Associate Members
Extra Special V.I.P.  
Sky Marshall Zachary Rickard
Chief of Security & Inquisitor General  
Fleet General Les Rickard
Trader Jon's Bartender  
 Fleet General Michael Malotte
Special Command Advisor  
Dahar Master Scott A. Akers
Sensitivity Trainer  
Admiral Johnathan "Gumby" Simmons
Political Officer  
Vice Admiral Comrade Greg Trotter
Radio Voice of the Jaguar  
Vice Admiral Mike "DJ" Dugas
Lower Wardrobe Specialist  
The Right Honorable Rear Admiral J.C. Cohen
Pastry Chef  
Rear Admiral Joan E. Bruckman
Agonizer Control Officer  
Rear Admiral Tammy Willcox
Tribble Waver  
Rear Admiral Chrissy Killian
Token Canuck & XO's Concubine  
Major General Joost Ueffing
Northeast Investigator  
Commodore Todd Brugmans
Minister of Propaganda  
Commodore Larry Barnes
Lady of the Lake  
Commodore Laura Dugas
Queen of Sarcasm  
Commodore Liz Woolf
Bovine Wrangler  
Fleet Captain P.J. Trotter
In Memoriam: (1962-2005)  
Fleet Captain Ann Marie Reilly
Northwest Investigator  
Captain Jolynn Whitaker
Auxiliary Percussion  
Captain  Emmett Plant
That Guy  
Lt Colonel Will Devine

469th MSG - 3rd Platoon
The Enemy!

C.A.T. (Covert Action Team) Squad Leader:  
 Mouster Gunnery Sergeant Toby Roithinger
Members, Covert Action Team
Bailey Ueffing
Bren Devine
Cordelia Roithinger-Dyar
Darwin Plant
Ginger Akers
Julius Cohen
Lady Martok Akers
Munchkin Ueffing (in memoriam)
Odo Bruckman
Patsy Cohen
Riker Killian
Sage Ueffing
Satin Ueffing
Simone Roithinger-Dyar (in memoriam)
Smudj Hanson
Stuby Akers
Whad Hanson
Milo Dugas (honorary kitty)
Crumpet Hanson (honorary kitty - in memoriam)
Symbol Key:
Member of the USS Jaguar Board of Directors.
Member of the USS Jaguar Command Staff.
Founding member of the USS Jaguar.
Got an idea for other symbols to be added? Please let Team Jaguar know and we'll get right on it! We would very much like to add more of these symbols, so your input does count!

  [Team Jaguar!]

The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Web Site is copyright Team Jaguar 1998-2008, all rights reserved. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site without our explicit permission