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Jaguar Membership Handbook |
INTRODUCTION The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 is a chapter of STARFLEET International. Membership is by invitation by the Board of Directors. Our focus is on providing a low-key chapter where those of us who wish to participate fully in STARFLEET, Regional or Jaguar activities may do so and where members are not required to participate unless they desire. Most of the Senior Officers are highly involved in either STARFLEET, STARFLEET Marines (SFMC), STARFLEET Academy, or Regional activities, so these projects are giving priority status as far as Jaguar activities are concerned. Members who wish to be more involved can contribute time to creating and maintaining web pages, uploading and downloading files for the ftp site, contributing material for the ListServer, writing fiction, and participating during the STARFLEET IRC sessions. We serve STARFLEET in many ways. This can include construction, storage and maintenance of web pages; sending out general information on the Internet; writing articles for STARFLEET, SFMC, Region 5, or the Jaguar ListServer or any other duties as needed by both STARFLEET, Region 5 or USS Jaguar, NCC-74750. If you are a Primary Member of Jaguar and you wish to obtain a promotion, you must participate either with STARFLEET, Region 5, STARFLEET Marines (SFMC), STARFLEET Academy, or USS Jaguar. We do not grant promotions just for being a member of Jaguar . Our other major reason for being is developing on-line interactive fiction presented in html (web page) format. Please check our Fiction Archive.
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIONThe USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 is administered by a Board of Directors who appoint the Senior Officers. Membership in STARFLEET International or any other organization is not required to be a member of Jaguar though we do give priority to those Jaguar members who are primary members of STARFLEET (that is, you are shown on the STARFLEET records to be a member of Jaguar) -- this means non-primary members of Jaguar (secondary members) or members who are not members of STARFLEET can not hold Senior Officer/Command Staff Positions. Other than the above caveat, we welcome all members to the Jaguar .
We charge no money. While active participation in the chapter is not required, we do like to hear from you every once in a while. If you get a message from a Senior Officer or another member of the Jaguar , please answer it as quickly as possible. Failure to communicate may result in a suspension of your Jaguar membership.
Primary Membership: member of good standing in STARFLEET International (that is, dues paid up to date) who has designated the USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 as his or her chapter or record and is a member of the Jaguar (see Membership Dues). Secondary Membership: Member of The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 who is either not a member of STARFLEET or has chosen another STARFLEET chapter as his or her designated chapter of record.
The Senior Officers, who are appointed by the Board of Directors, are responsible for keeping the chapter up and running from seeing to the member's needs to ensuring that the chapter is in compliance with both Region 7, and STARFLEET rules and regulations. The Senior Officers who comprise the Command Staff include but do not have to be limited to: Commanding Officer (CO; Chapter President) Executive Officer (XO; Chapter Vice President) Second Officer (2O, Senior
Administrative Officer) The Senior Officers appoint all other Officer positions. If any of the Senior Officers can not fulfill their duty, the Board of Directors will either appoint a member to take over or open the office to the primary members of Jaguar with a request for applications.
Promotions are given on the basis of a member's service to the USS Jaguar, NCC-74750, Region 7, STARFLEET as a whole as well as their time in grade. This would include any direct support of the various duties assigned to Jaguar (ListServer, web pages, ftp site, etc) as well as participation in STARFLEET (contributions to the STARFLEET publications, Academy courses, etc). Please see the section on Promotion Policy for details. While the Senior Officers of the USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 will not enumerate an exhaustive list of how we expect a member of Jaguar to behave, we leave it up to the members to exercise responsibility for any action they may take as a member of Jaguar, STARFLEET (where applicable) or a member of the Terran Race. If any member of Jaguar feels that another member acted not in the best interest of the above, s/he may write to the Jaguar Executive Officer who will take any measures s/he deems necessary. Each instance will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 members who are
Primary Members of the Jaguar and
are members in good standing in
STARFLEET are the only
members of Jaguar eligible for promotion. Each member is
responsible for maintaining their own records and must submit a promotion
package to the Jaguar Chief of Operations (or the Executive Officer
if there is no Chief of Ops) for consideration once you
have reached your time in grade (please reference the charts below) and
feel you merit a promotion. A Promotion Board comprising the CO, XO, and
the a third officer (either the Second Officer or Chief of Ops) will grant promotions.
Notes: [1] Commissioned officers earn their ranks through active duty [2] Commissioned officer ranks may only be held/earned by STARFLEET members or members who have attained rank in another organization and maintain their association with said organization and submits the appropriate paperwork to the Commanding Officer for review. [3] Must pass STARFLEET Academy Officer's Training School (OTS) [4] Also must demonstrate familiarity with Jaguar rules and procedures [5] Requires STARFLEET Academy OCC, CO approval & 18 months on Jaguar. [6] Commander SG is awarded when the Executive Officer already holds the rank of Commander; this is to make him/her the highest-ranking Commander on this boat.
Each STARFLEET member has one Personal Starfleet Rank. It is the rank STARFLEET has on record for them and represents the amount of service rendered to STARFLEET, the Region and the Chapter. STARFLEET members registered as Primary Members to the USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Chapter can be given these ranks and promotions by the Chapter Commanding Officer (while we have a promotion board, it is still the CO who grants the promotion). Any STARFLEET member who transfers from another recognized STARFLEET chapter can retain the STARFLEET rank earned in a prior chapter subject to documentation and to the review by the Commanding Officer of Jaguar or his/her designate. Members who let their STARFLEET membership expire can lose their personal STARFLEET rank as per the STARFLEET bylaws. Members who are a part of another organization who wish to transfer that organization's rank over to must petition the Commanding Officer as well as have completed the requirements as outlined under "Commissioned Officers." However, at any time, the Commanding Officer of USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 may waive any and all promotion requirements. It is important to remember that these ranks are fictional and do not give one member authority over another. A personal STARFLEET rank is independent from any fictional character rank.
TERMINATION OF AFFILIATIONUSS Jaguar, NCC-74750 reserves the right to terminate its relationship with any group at any time (the only group that Jaguar is affiliated with is STARFLEET International). Some conditions can cause automatic termination. This termination is pre-approved by the Board of Directors and takes effect immediately and retroactively if necessary, and is automatic unless specifically allowed in writing by the Commanding Officer. The termination may take affect if any one of the following conditions occurs but is not limited to these conditions:
BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe Board of Directors consist of Allyson M. W. Dyar, Susan Fugate-Ueffing and Matt Baillie.
PREVIOUS HANDBOOK EDITIONSUnder the command of Chris Wallace the first CO of the USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 had a handbook, which is available here as a pdf document (right click and save as): Original Jaguar Handbook.
-- End of USS Jaguar Membership Handbook -- The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Handbook is copyright Allyson M. W. Dyar 1997-2008, all rights reserved. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site without my explicit permission. Permission is granted for one hard copy for personal use. Portions of this Handbook were adapted with permission from the USS Stellar Wind, NCC-1501(A), Space Station Nexus, and USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Membership Handbooks.Last Revision, Olde Earth Date: 2007.04.22