USS Jaguar Logo

USS Jaguar NCC 74750[U.S.S. Jaguar NCC-74750]

Fun Stuff
Web Ring


Fun Stuff!

This is Your Only Warning -- Do Not Complain Later!

The members of the U.S.S. Jaguar are famous for their sometimes strange sense of humor. Jaguar members have been responsible for several outstanding practical jokes, most involving strange or "altered" web sites, especially around the first of April each year. Below you will find links to some of our favorite "fun" pages. The newest entries will be found at the bottom.

Big News! 2 August 2003 - The Fun Page won the 2003 STARFLEET Web Award for "Best Fun Site" in all of STARFLEET. We are honored, and we'll promptly make fun of the award in the very near future.

Big News! Part Deux - We're baaack....!


Not Content to Pick on Those Wonderful Denizens
of the 'fleet ListServe, Emmett Plant is at it Again... This time
Picking on Our Favorite Green Guy:

Gumby the Red-Nosed Ops Chief


Team Jaguar is Proud to Present
for Your Listening Pleasure from
the Deviant Mind of Emmett Plant:

Fight Night on the Listserv



Who could forget these immortal words:

"First I was afraid
I was petrified...



"Well, we're movin on up,
To the E.C.
To a deluxe appointment in the sky.

Campaign for Dinky-Snorlax 2003
The Team that the Women of SFI voted as "Most Cuddly"

(We'd like to thank Dinky's Spokeshuman Ed Nowlin for permission to link this page to our fun page.)

From the Fertile Mind of our own Resident Artist
Gregg "Ace" Crocket

(temporarily off line until Gregg gets his butt in gear)


#NEXUS Avengers Assemble!.
Keeping IRC Safe for all Citizens!



Team Jaguar's Guide for STARFLEET Elections.
Top Ten Clichés heard on Various Regional Election Lists. 'nuff said.

All Ye Shall Henceforth Hail
The "Sacred Book of /Nick"



"Because I Got..."
Embarking on the first step of your STARFLEET Career? Join us in a sing-along of what you are bound to encounter -- with additional "help."

Mark H! Anbinder Seal of Approval.
Mark is the Guardian of the official name of our fine organization. Like the Good Housekeeping Seal, this should be used only when you spell Starlfeet correctly.

Gagh Burger

Get Fit Fo' Duty: STARFLEET Style!
We promise to clean our plates even though we're not eligible to be SFMC 'dant.

[Dedicated to some fine upstanding Fleet members!]

Every organization needs a tried and true anthem that they can proudly sing at their meetings and events. We've created one for STARFLEET that we believe sums up everything our great organization is about.

Any resemblence to an actual Fleet member is purely coincidental

The Devil Went Down to R1
This song says it all...



One Night On X-World
Once upon a time, STARFLEET used the X-World IRC Network as it's "unofficial IRC service". Those of you that remember the X-World days will enjoy this song...

Adam Bernay's Guide to Everything!

The Guide to Everything
Don't you just hate people that know it all, and make sure you know they know it all? And in doing so, just royally piss off everyone in sight? Yea. So do we.

[Napster is Dead and Lars Sucks]

Dyar's Paradox
Some people just don't get it. They see conspiracy around every corner, and blame everyone but themselves. These song lyrics were written as a response to just that kind of person...

[This guy is hiding weapons of mass his pants!]

STARFLEET's Most Wanted!
Just like the deck of Iraqi leaders, you can get a deck of cards featuring STARFLEET's most wanted officers! Collect them all!

[Friendly People Everywhere! Humble Folks Without Temptation!]

#nexus Visits South Park!
Yes, the denizens of #nexus did indeed visit the boys in South Park, CO.

[Coming Spike TV!]

#nexus: The Motion Picture!
It's true. Since Nemesis tanked, Paramount has sanctioned a film based on the Nexus Space Dock! View the Press Release! View the movie poster! Heck, view the IMDB entry!

[Everything's For Sale!]

Yes, you too can own Starfleet. Click for details!

[Our Wang is Bigger than Yours!]

U.S.S. Wang Wei 
Sometimes we like to have a little fun with other Trek organizations, or make light of current events. In this instance, we did a little of both.

[Photograph of Kurt Roithinger]

Team Testosterone!
Once upon a time, before Mike
became CS, Kurt Roithinger and Mike Malotte ran for un-Commander, STARFLEET. While they may have lost the election, they won STARFLEET's "Fun Website of the Year" for 1999.



[It's a Hat with Freekin' Horns Comin' Out!]

Redneck Tour 2002
In April of 2002, our illustrious General Scott Akers took a little trip. In fine Jaguar style, Admiral Kurt Roithinger felt completed to document the tour....

[Adam Bernay got really mad that we used his name in reference to the SFMC joke. Is it our problem he's the only sucker that got fished in? What's he gonna do, sue us? He better have Wolfram & Hart as a law firm if he does...]

While Sektor 5 may have been the most creative joke, the SFMC leaving STARFLEET was by far the most successful April Fools prank in Fleet history. In fact, a couple of people fell for this one so hard that Webster's Dictionary created a new entry for "Fished In" and stuck their picture next to it.

[All the News that's Fit to Wrap Fish!]

Communiqué Fun
When you are the editor of STARFLEET's official newsletter, and you also have a twisted sense of humor, occasionally the two collide. This was one result.

[Logo of the Most Glorious People's Republik of Sektor 5!]

Sektor 5.
Probably the most creative joke site of all time, this one launched as an April Fools prank in 2000. Who would have ever thought Region 5 would have gone Commie? This site won the STARFLEET Web Award for Best "Fun" Site in 2000:

 [Team Jaguar!]

The USS Jaguar Fun Page and all of it's contents and links are copyright the USS Jaguar Board of Directors 2001-2008, all rights reserved. Please don't repost any of this stuff, make this stuff publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site without our explicit permission. In fact, don't even look at it.  Hit the <back> button on your browser, and clear your cache immediately. This stuff is all in fun, so if you are offended by anything you see, don't look!

Last Revision, Olde Earth Date: 2006.12.31