USS Jaguar Logo

USS Jaguar NCC 74750[U.S.S. Jaguar NCC-74750]

Fun Stuff
Web Ring




Information Web Site of the Year 2005:
Official STARFLEET History Website
Scott Akers, Director
Lauren Milan, Web Mistress


Fun Web Site of the Year 2003:
Our Fun Page won! We are honored, and we'll promptly make fun of the award in the very near future.


Information Web Site of the Year 2001:
Official STARFLEET History Website
Scott Akers, Director
Jeff Higdon, Web Master


Fun Web Site of the Year 2000:
Glorious Free People's Republics of Sektor Five


Fun Web Site of the Year 1999:
Team Testosterone!


Chapter Awards


Region One Coordinator's Certificate of Appreciation for 2003
and Letter of Appreciation


[Region 5 Chapter of the Year 2003]

2003 Region 5 Chapter of the Year. This award is based on activities during the 2002 calendar year, and automatically makes the Jaguar eligible for the 2003 STARFLEET Chapter of the Year Award to be announced at the International Conference in July. The following is an excerpt from the Region 5 Award Recommendation:

Since launching in 1999, USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 has made a significant impact on Region 5 and
STARFLEET International.

Composed of artists, fiction writers, storytellers, composers, researchers, technical draftsmen, layout artists, and web page designers, their activities are many and varied. They have undertaken a number of projects dedicated to the betterment of STARFLEET and her members proudly continuing these endeavors to this day. The Jaguar’s Senior Officers...(read more)


1999 STARFLEET Shuttle of the Year. This award was based on activities during the 1999 calendar year, and was awarded at the 2000 STARFLEET International Conference in Charlotte, NC.

From drafting six new Constitutional amendments, a 2 minute 45 second video animation, ongoing fan fiction, and servicing as cheerleaders to build up inter-chapter relationships within Region 5 and across 'fleet, the U.S.S. Jaguar hosts members who have contributed significantly to the operations of STARFLEET as a whole. The crew of the Jaguar...(read more)


[Region 5 Shuttle of the Year 2003]

1999 Region 5 Shuttle of the Year. This award was based on activities during the 1999 calendar year, and was a precursor to winning the STARFLEET Shuttle of the Year award at the International Conference in Charlotte, NC in the summer of 2000. The original award recommendation can be seen here.


Individual Awards

2005 Lifetime Membership - Allyson M. W. Dyar. The sixth such awardee.

D'har Master of STARFLEET - General Scott A Akers AKA K'Chunone Sutai Depayns is hereby recognized throughout the Worlds of the Federation as being Supreme in both Skill and Sword and as such shall upon Blood Oath, from this day forward shall be known as D'Har Master of STARFLEET. Awarded on July 31st, 2004 signed by General Gum'beh Imperial Klingon Forces and Fleet Admiral Michael W. Malotte, STARFLEET,

2004 Exemplary Service Award
Allyson M. W. Dyar.

For her work as Chief of Staff for both Fleet Admirals Les Rickard and Mike Malotte.


[2002 SFMC TRACOM Student of the Year]

2002 SFMC TRACOM Student of the Year  - Scott Akers. For your dedication to the ideals of TRCOM and the SFMCA through outstanding performance in a variety of...(read more)

[2002 SFMC 5th Brigade Sword of Valor]

2002 SFMC 5th Brigade Sword of Valor (Leader of the Year) - John Adcock.

COL Adcock attended the STARFLEET International Conference 2001.  While there, he participated as an Aide to GEN Scott Akers and as a Respondent during Informational Panels.  He also helped raise funds for charities during the Conference.  COL Adcock also presented IC-STARFLEET/Fandom history posters to those attending the IC.



2000 STARFLEET Officer of the Year - Allyson Dyar.

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1992, Admiral Allyson M.W. Dyar has made a significant impact on the organization.

In 1994, she supervised the Region 5 Vote of Confidence for the Regional...(read more)


[Region 5 Member of the Year 2000]

2000 Region 5 Officer of the Year - Allyson Dyar.

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1992, Vice Admiral Allyson M.W. Dyar has made a significant impact on the organization.

Even during her first year in 'fleet when she was living in Iceland, she was very involved with her correspondence chapter (the Valsalva, later the Stellar Wind) by writing non-fiction essays and taking as many STARFLEET Academy as she could. So many...(read more)


2000 Region 5 Member of the Year - Scott Akers.

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1988, Lt. General Scott A. Akers has both made a significant impact on the organization, and been an integral member on chapter, regional, and fleet levels. From his first year in Fleet, Scott had been very active with his local chapter the USS JAMESTOWN.

In 1989, Scott left his 6 years of service to the United States Navy and moved to the...(read more)


[SFMC Sword of Honor 2000]

2000 STARFLEET Marine Corps Sword of Honor (Leader of the Year) - Allyson Dyar - Since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1992, General Allyson M.W. Dyar has made a significant impact on the organization. Last year alone, she served as STARFLEET's Chief of Communications and supervised the Election for...(read more)


1999 STARFLEET Officer of the Year - Chris Wallace. Vice Admiral Chris Wallace has performed extensive service to both his Region and STARFLEET as a whole and we therefore wish to nominate him for STARFLEET Officer of the Year.

During this past year, Admiral Wallace completed an overhaul of the STARFLEET...(read more)


[Region 5 Officer of the Year 1999]

1999 Region 5 Officer of the Year - Chris Wallace. Vice Admiral Chris Wallace has performed extensive service to both his Region and STARFLEET as a whole and we therefore wish to nominate him for STARFLEET Officer of the Year.

During this past year, Admiral Wallace completed an overhaul of the STARFLEET Membership Handbook. The new version was produced in a three-ring binder compatible format that allows for individual pages to be updated and replaced. This ensures that Membership Processing includes the latest edition in each packet and that when a member renews...(read more)


1998 STARFLEET Officer of the Year - Kurt Roithinger.

Rear Admiral Kurt F Roithinger has labored hard to make STARFLEET International the premier Star Trek organization that it is.

RAdm Roithinger completed work on the proposed 1998 STARFLEET International...(read more)


[Region 5 Officer of the Year 1998]

1998 Region 5 Officer of the Year - Kurt Roithinger

Rear Admiral Kurt F Roithinger has labored hard to make STARFLEET International the premier Star Trek organization that it is.
RAdm Roithinger completed work on the proposed 1998 STARFLEET International Constitution that was overwhelmingly passed by the membership with a 92% margin of ratification. In conjunction to this effort, he also spearheaded a Constitution Discussion List to provide a...(read more)



2002 Region 5 Chapter of the Year Award Recommendation

Since launching in 1999, USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 has made a significant impact on Region 5 and
STARFLEET International.

Composed of artists, fiction writers, storytellers, composers, researchers, technical draftsmen, layout artists, and web page designers, their activities are many and varied. They have undertaken a number of projects dedicated to the betterment of STARFLEET and her members proudly continuing these endeavors to this day.

The Jaguar’s Senior Officers worked tirelessly for both STARFLEET and Region Five by participating in various projects for the betterment of members everywhere.

Commanding Officer General Scott Akers served his entire two-year term as Regional Coordinator of Region 5, overseeing regional growth with two shuttle launches. Under his direction, Regional Awards Director, Admiral Allyson M. W. Dyar worked closely with Greywolf Station, resulting in their winning the STARFLEET 2002 Shuttle and Cadet of the Year.

Admiral Kurt Roithinger served the two-year term as Editor of the STARFLEET's newsletter, the STARFLEET Communiqué (CQ), overseeing all production aspects. Working closely with Allyson as Copy and Submissions Editor and Commodore David Klingman as a feature writer, produced twelve forty-eight page bi- monthly issues.

Jaguar members kept both STARFLEET Academy and SFMC Academy busy. Kurt completed over 30 SFA courses while also designing many SFA certificates for directors to give to their students. Not to be outdone, Scott passed well over 40 SFA and SFMC-A courses, completing all requirements for the new Staff College, War College and General Staff College. He also developed the SFMC-A Maritime Operations Manual and all tests.

While the Commander, Support Command (now Information Command), Jaguar Executive Officer Fleet Captain John Adcock made a definite impact on the STARFLEET Marines. Under his command, Attention on Deck!, the official SFMC newsletter was published on time, every time for the first time in SFMC history. He supervised creation of the new SFMC Website, which was part of his expansion of communication within the Corps. He oversaw the plan to reform SUPCOM as INFOCOM and redefine the duties of the command, which was implemented in November 2002.

Many Senior Officers also traveled all over, providing support to other Regions and their chapters. At the 2002 International Conference in San Jose, CA, the Region 5 Embassy (AKA Jaguar Board of Directors) hosted several soirées. Jaguar members also attended the USS Rubicon's 10th anniversary party in eastern Washington State while other members attended the Region 1 Summit in April as well as Region 7's Watkins Glen Weekend in October.

While serving as RC, Scott worked tirelessly as Historian documenting the history of STARFLEET. He supervised the rebuilding Communiqué's 75 and 76 and contributed six articles on SFI history for the CQ.

USS Jaguar members received numerous STARFLEET awards.

Scott was named the 2002 STARFLEET Academy Assistant Red Squad Leader while Kurt was awarded the Red Squad Member. Allyson received special citation from STARFLEET's Academy of Medicine for completing all courses with a 95% or higher.

Commodore David E Klingman received the STARFLEET Fun Web Site OF The Year for his STARFLEET Spotlight interviews.

Fleet Admiral Les Rickard presented Allyson, Kurt and John the STARFLEET CROSS for their service as Marines to STARFLEET.

SFMC Academy presented Scott the Commandant's Special TRACOM award for completing all Academy courses, completing all Beta Courses and creating the Marine Operations Branch Manual. He also received seven SFMC Academic Excellence Awards.

The Jaguar launched the shuttle John Marshall to chapter status and welcomed their second shuttle, the Argyll.

Along with their efforts in behalf of STARFLEET, members have given much to their communities.

David is an American Red Cross Platelet Donor and received his 5- gallon pin. He and Allyson are members of the National Bone Marrow Registry.

John volunteered 60+ hours as a Red Cross certified lifeguard. He also volunteered time and equipment for the Ozark Jazz Festival, benefiting the Carrol High School Music Program as well as the Aberdeen High School Christmas Concert.

Scott has raised over $88,000 for various charities, donated numerous hours to the Boy Scouts and worked with local churches, Masonic lodge, and Rotary Club to provide youth protection training.

Other Jaguar members donated time to the Camp Fire girls, earning third in the nation for candy selling as well as giving time to other organizations.

As you can see, members of the USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 has given his or her all to this organization and richly deserves your consideration for Region 5 Chapter of the Year for 2002.



1999 STARFLEET Shuttle of the Year Award Recommendation
(Also the Region 5 Shuttle of the Year Recommendation)

From drafting six new Constitutional amendments, a 2 minute 45 second video animation, ongoing fan fiction, and servicing as cheerleaders to build up inter-chapter relationships within Region 5 and across 'fleet, the U.S.S. Jaguar hosts members who have contributed significantly to the operations of STARFLEET as a whole.

The crew of the Jaguar is composed of artists, animators (traditional and CG), fiction writers, storytellers, composers, researchers, technical draftsmen, layout artists, video production people, and web page designers. Our hobbies are many and varied, though we all have enough in common to make it an interesting blend of characters. Fiction writing is a major focus of the ship (and in fact, was one of the primary reasons for her creation).

The ship serves as both an International and a Regional "Think Tank", with a crew acknowledged as some of the top specialists in their fields. We have undertaken a number of projects dedicated to the betterment of STARFLEET and her members, and continue our endeavors to this day.

The Jaguar performs her "Fleet Think Tank" duties on the fictional level, as well. Home to the current Chairman of the STARFLEET Advanced Starship Design Bureau and to the Editors of Jane's Fleet Review, the Jaguar publishes a number of technical documents including Ships of the Star Fleet, Starfleet Prototype, Dockyard Review, Jane's Fleet Review, and Ships of Earth. Many of these can be found on the publications page of

But technical publications are not all. Jaguar assisted in the production of the latest STARFLEET Membership Handbook, as well as the Region Five Handbook and Region Five Uniform Guide.

Jaguar’s senior officers work tirelessly for both STARFLEET and Region Five. Commanding Officer Chris Wallace is the current Editor of the STARFLEET Communiqué and is producing the best editions of that publication ever. And as Chairman of the ASDB, Admiral Wallace has produced dozens of technical publications. Executive Officer Scott A. Akers serves as the STARFLEET Historian and has worked tirelessly to document the history of the organization, as well as special projects like the Regional Chapter Lineages. Stellar Cartographer Don Willits serves as the Chief of Staff to Region Five Coordinator Kurt Roithinger, as well as coding a new web page for the STARFLEET Operations department.

The Jaguar travels within the Region, promoting STARFLEET and the Region itself. Officers have also traveled to events outside the Region and have provided support to other Regions and their chapters. Jaguar’s dedicated to Community Service is no less. The ship sponsors a local Boy Scout’s Explorer Computer Club, as well as funding local shelters and charities.

Members of the Jaguar donated more than $7,100 in 1999 to charities affiliated with fleet. In addition, the Executive Officer serves with the local Boy Scouts.


2002 SFMC TRACOM Student of the Year  - Scott Akers

For your dedication to the ideals of TRACOM and the SFMC-A through outstanding performance in a variety of courses taken at the SFMC-A during the year and for the outstanding job you have done in creating not only our most recent Combat Arms Branch, Maritime Operations, but also for the creation of a multitude of other Branches over the Years, I am honored and privileged to present you with a special TRACOM Commander's Award. Given under my hand this 15th day of October, 2002. Congratulations GEN Akers. Signed - COL John Roberts Commanding Officer, TRACOM, SFMC Director, School of Strategy & Tactics, SFA


2000 Region 5 Member of the Year - Scott Akers

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1988, Lt. General Scott A. Akers has both made a significant impact on the organization, and been an integral member on chapter, regional, and fleet levels. From his first year in Fleet, Scott had been very active with his local chapter the USS JAMESTOWN.

In 1989, Scott left his 6 years of service to the United States Navy and moved to the Houston area of Texas, where he joined the USS ANDROMEDA and formed the 3rd Marine Division (now Brigade). He served as editor of the Andromeda’s newsletter and ship’s Operations Officer. Scott also began and ran the Starfleet Marine College as part of the Starfleet Academy, as a result of this work Scott was awarded the very first Starfleet Marine Cross of Honor, given to the Marine of the Year.

Over the next few years, Scott was an instrumental part of the Starfleet Marine Corps, rising to the position of Vice Commandant of Operations, and then Deputy Commandant in 1993. During this time, he also launched the Shuttle Audacious, which later merged with the Shuttle Texas, and was commissioned as the USS Texas, of which he was the first Commanding Officer.

Following the election of Michael Smith as Commander Starfleet: Scott was brought out of retirement to be the new Commandant of the Starfleet Marines, bringing that group back into the limelight and overseeing the re-launch of the Marne Academy and the release of the Marine Force Manual, and later the Branch Manuals. Scott did not do this alone, but instead gathered a corps group of hard working marines from throughout the fleet.

In 1998, Scott began to form the Office of Fleet Historian, first collecting old Communiqués and then researching the lineages of the Chapters in Fleet. At the 1998 IC in Lubbock, Texas, Scott unveiled a special guest, John Bradshaw the founder of Starfleet, who Scott had located in Houston, Texas. At the end of that year, Scott moved north of Seattle, to take a job with the Boy Scouts of America.

At the 1999 IC, Scott unveiled the Regional Genealogies showing the line of most current chapters in Starfleet back to that original group founded by Bradshaw back in 1974. Scott was promoted to Lt. General at that time. Scott was also the Executive Officer of the Shuttle Jaguar, which would win Shuttle of the Year for 1999.

2000 saw Scott expanding the services provided by the Office of Fleet Historian significantly.

Then came the year 2001, Starfleet’s 27th, the highpoint for the Office of Fleet Historian and its director Scott A. Akers. The OFH had many successes:

* The Expansion of the Office of Fleet Historian Website
* Continual updates of the Genealogies and placing them on the Web for people to access.
* The Release of Web version of the History of Starfleet. The site won the Fleet Award for best content site at the 2001 IC.
* Electronically rebuilding PDF files of those Starfleet Communiqués that had not been previously done, including numbers 95, 90, 89, 88, 84, 83, 80 and 79.
* Putting out the Spacecraft of Earth manual for use by Starfleet Members at no expense.
* The IC 2001 Historian’s Posters, a 40 year history of Star Trek, Starfleet, and Space History were created, displayed and then auctioned off for charity.
* Serving in the position of Regional Coordinator for Region Five. In the midst of all this Scott has found time to serve both as a Professional Boy Scout Leader providing support and leadership for 1594 youth, and 804 adults, as well as a volunteer for his own son’s Scout Troop as the Troop Committee Chair.
* Outside of Scouting, Scott volunteers with his local Masonic Lodge, as the International Relations Chair for the Edmonds Rotary Club, and sits as a member of the Site Council of his children’s Middle School.
* Scott also donates time and effort for the American Diabetes Association, doing walkathons in the name of his two Diabetic Children.

Lt. General Akers currently serves as the Regional Coordinator of Region 5, which has grown 22% AND has a monthly reporting rate in excess of 98% in the year 2001. In 1998 he was appointed the Director of the STARFLEET Office of Fleet Historian, in 1999 he was appointed to the Starfleet Marine Corps Steering Committee, both positions he currently holds.

In addition Scott is the Commanding Officer of the USS Jaguar, with 23 members, and which chapter finished the Vessel Readiness Certification Program (VRCP) for all departments AND the chapter itself on the 31st of December of 2001.


2000 STARFLEET Marine Corps Sword of Honor (Leader of the Year) - Allyson Dyar

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1992, General Allyson M.W. Dyar has made a significant impact on the organization.

Last year alone, she served as STARFLEET's Chief of Communications and supervised the Election for Commander, STARFLEET where she received and verified nominations, oversaw the distribution of ballots. The vast majority of time was dedicated to working with the CPA in distributing the missing and mis-addressed ballots. After the election, she presented the EC a detailed Election Analysis.

Right after judging the newsletter contest last year, General Dyar's spouse was suffering severe arm pain after dinner. As this was the second time in two days he'd suffered such pain, she called their doctor who told her that if she wanted to, to take him to the hospital.

At the hospital, he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and in the process of lowering his blood glucose level, her husband suffered a minor heart attack, necessitating angioplasty to open an artery and place a stent in it.

Despite the burden of dealing with her spouse's illness, she completed her assigned tasks for Communications including supervising the Newsletter Contest and Web Awards.

General Dyar currently serves as the Commanding Officer of Space Station Nexus. She is also Assistant Director of the STARFLEET Academy of Medicine (SACOM) and was named STARFLEET Academy Honor Graduate for SACOM for 1992, 1998, and 1999. She also serves as the SFMC Mailing List Moderator and Administrator. Her duties include supervising the list, managing subscriptions and unsubscriptions as well as answering any questions related to the list.

She also spends a copious amount of time on IRC as a Server Operator for where she serves as an operator in #sfmc and other channels. She is also the assistant server operator for (which keeps her busy connecting servers, answering questions on IRC or policy.) General Dyar is always available to answer questions no matter how minor or stupid to the asker.

Since her husband's diagnosis, she has given countless hours towards diabetes education. She used her newfound knowledge to write a STARFLEET Academy of Medicine course on Diabetes. A writer whose work has appeared in both Stellar Visions 2 and 3 (which she produced but did not edit), she gave many hours to aspiring writers, always willing to critique or give advice. She created and administers the STARFLEET Fiction List where writers of various aptitudes exchange ideas and information on the craft of writing.

As you can see, General Allyson M.W. Dyar of the 512th MSG has performed above and beyond and is richly deserving your consideration as a recipient of the Sword of Valor


2000 STARFLEET Officer of the Year - Allyson Dyar

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1992, Admiral Allyson M.W. Dyar has made a significant impact on the organization.

In 1994, she supervised the Region 5 Vote of Confidence for the Regional Coordinator. She wrote the final report as well as submitted a generic outline for STARFLEET Ops, which was adopted as a model for Regional Votes of Confidences.

Admiral Dyar also became very active in 'fleet level policies when she campaigned for equal treatment for Correspondence Chapters. Rear-Admiral Dwain Gleason appointed her the first Correspondence Chapter Representative (CCR) in October 1994 (later called the Director, Department of Correspondence Chapter Operations) where she represented the correy views to the Admiralty Board and the Executive Committee as well as communicating policy decisions and updates to the chapters themselves. The CCR assisted new Correspondence Chapters whenever possible and served as a resource for all Correspondence Chapter Commanding Officers.

 In 1995, she was appointed the interim Region 5 Coordinator and served in the position for seven months. Also in 1995, she was appointed the Vice Chairman of the Election Reform Task Force and wrote guidelines for future Fleet Admiral Elections.

 Possibly her most visible achievement was the design and maintenance of the first ever 'fleet web page in 1994 (she also designed the first regional page and chapter page). The 'fleet web page has been cited in professional books, TV shows, and various Internet lists. STARFLEET recognized this achievement and appointed her Vice Chief of Communications-Net Services in 1997. She was involved in all aspects of the online world from administering several mailing lists, a IRC server operator for and someone whose knowledge of the Internet has many 'fleet members tapping her for information or advice.

 Last year, Admiral Dyar held one of the more important positions on the Executive Committee, that of Chief of Communications. As CommChief, she was executive editor of the Communiqué where she assisted in the layout and soliciting of articles and pictures for publication. Her most important job, however, was the supervision of the bi-annual election for Commander, STARFLEET. This job entailed her receiving and verifying nominations, overseeing the election brochures to be distributed to all STARFLEET members. The vast majority of time was dedicated to working with the CPA in distributing the missing and mis-addressed ballots. She presented the EC with a detailed Election Analysis that can be used as a blueprint for upcoming Commander, STARFLEET Elections.

During this time, Admiral Dyar's spouse was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and during his hospital stay, suffered a heart attack. Despite this burden, she completed her assigned tasks for Communications including supervising the Newsletter Contest and Web Awards.

Admiral Dyar currently serves as the Commanding Officer of Space Station Nexus. She is also Assistant Director of the STARFLEET Academy of Medicine and was named STARFLEET Academy Honor Graduate for SACOM for 1992 (as well as 1998 and 1999).


2000 Region 5 Officer of the Year - Allyson Dyar

Ever since becoming a member of STARFLEET International in 1992, Vice Admiral Allyson M.W. Dyar has made a significant impact on the organization.

Even during her first year in 'fleet when she was living in Iceland, she was very involved with her correspondence chapter (the Valsalva, later the Stellar Wind) by writing non-fiction essays and taking as many STARFLEET Academy as she could. So many, in fact, she was named a STARFLEET Academy Honor Graduate for SACOM for 1992 (and later in 1998).

 Upon her return to the states in 1993, she became involved with STARFLEET. She became Second Officer of the USS Stellar Wind and started writing interactive fiction with other 'Wind members. She also served as a member of the Region4 Staff by volunteering as their STARFLEET Academy Liaison. In early 1993, she joined in the burgeoning online world by becoming a very active member of TrekNet. Because of her involvement with Region 4 and TrekNet, she was appointed Executive Officer of the Stellar Wind on 01 August 1993.

 She became very active in R/5 when she arrived in 1994, after becoming the Commanding Officer of the Stellar Wind. As a member of Region 5, she supervised the Region 5 Vote of Confidence for the Regional Coordinator. She wrote the final report as well as submitted a generic outline for STARFLEET Ops, which was used as a model for other Regional Votes of Confidences. She assisted Regional Coordinator Vice Admiral Robert Hilton in designing the Region 5 Fleet Admiral Questionnaire and prepared the final copy for distribution. She volunteered her expertise in newsletter production and gave a lecture on the production of newsletters at the Region 5 Command Seminar. In 1995, she was appointed the interim Region 5 Coordinator and served in the position for seven months until a new RC/5 was appointed. When Rear Admiral Roithinger was appointed as the RC in 1997, he chose her as his Chief of Staff where her main duty was to assist in the publication of the Regional newsletter.

 Vice Admiral Dyar also became very active in 'fleet level policies when she campaigned for equal treatment for Correspondence Chapters. Rear-Admiral Dwain Gleason appointed her the first Correspondence Chapter Representative (CCR) in October 1994 (later called the Director, Department of Correspondence Chapter Operations) where she represented the correy views to the Admiralty Board and the Executive Committee as well as communicating policy decisions and updates from that level back to the chapters themselves. The CCR assisted new Correspondence Chapters whenever possible and served as a resource for all Correspondence Chapter Commanding Officers.

 In 1995, she was appointed the Vice Chairman of the Election Reform Task Force. This committee drafted a set of guidelines for future Fleet Admiral Elections.

Possibly her most visible achievement was the design and maintenance of the first ever 'fleet web page in 1994 (she also designed the first regional page and chapter page). The 'fleet web page has been cited in professional books, TV shows, and various Internet lists. STARFLEET recognized the importance of the organization's role in the Internet and appointed her Vice Chief of Communications-Net Services in 1997 where she was involved in all aspects of the online world from administering several mailing lists, an Internet Relay Chat for fleetchat operator and someone whose knowledge of the internet has many 'fleet members tapping her for information or advice.

Vice Admiral Dyar currently serves as the Commanding Officer of Space Station Nexus. In 1999, she was appointed the Chief of Communications for STARFLEET, a position she currently holds.


1999 STARFLEET Officer of the Year - Chris Wallace

Vice Admiral Chris Wallace has performed extensive service to both his Region and STARFLEET as a whole and we therefore wish to nominate him for STARFLEET Officer of the Year.

During this past year, Admiral Wallace completed an overhaul of the STARFLEET Membership Handbook. The new version was produced in a three-ring binder compatible format that allows for individual pages to be updated and replaced. This ensures that Membership Processing includes the latest edition in each packet and that when a member renews, only those pages that have been updated during the previous year need be included, reducing the membership packet cost.

While working on the Handbook, Admiral Wallace also produced what would become the Region Five Uniform Guide ­ a full-color publication covering the uniforms and rank insignia in use from 2240-2380.

After completing the Membership Handbook and Uniform Guide, Admiral Wallace teamed up with the Office of Fleet Historian to convert the Chapter Lineage data from that Office and turn them into 3’x6’ posters showing each Region’s lineage back to the founding of STARFLEET, including all current and formal ships. Admiral Wallace produced posters for all fifteen active STARFLEET Regions and shipped them to the 1999 International Conference where they were put on display as part of the STARFLEET 25th Anniversary Celebration.

Admiral Wallace was one of the founding members of STARFLEET 2000 ­ a group dedicated to make STARFLEET a better club for its members. He personally authored six amendments to the STARFLEET Constitution, which will go to a vote of the membership in Fall 2000. He has also been active in the shaping of current policy as the Region Five Representative to the STARFLEET Admiralty Board.

Since being named Editor of the STARFLEET Communiqué in November of 1999, Admiral Wallace has produced the finest editions of this publication in the history of the organization, and continues to improve it with each new issue.

When he was named the new Chairman of the STARFLEET Advanced Starship Design Bureau, Admiral Wallace debuted the new web site at In addition, Admiral Wallace completed four volumes of Ships of the Star Fleet, covering starships of the late 24th century. He has also produced
“Special Edition” publications showcasing the chapters and shuttles of Region Five, as well as STARFLEET as a whole.

Not content to stand idly by, Admiral Wallace is currently assisting with graphics and layout work for both International Conference 2000 and the Western Conference 2000.

Admiral Wallace has been as active on the Regional front as he has been on the International. After writing the STARFLEET Membership Handbook, he applied the skills he learned to the drafting of the Region Five Membership Handbook. He has also helped draft new logos for the chapters and shuttles
of Region Five. Admiral Wallace has also served as a “cheerleader” for the Region, attending functions both within Region Five and in other Regions, as well. And he has helped grow the Region by launching the USS Jaguar.

In conclusion, Vice Admiral Christopher Wallace represents the very best STARFLEET has to offer ­ an Officer whose selfless dedication to this organization has helped make STARFLEET a better place for all of us.

Projects Completed in 1999:

STARFLEET Membership Handbook ­ 1999 Edition
STARFLEET 25th Anniversary Regional Genealogy Posters
Ships of STARFLEET ­ 1999 Edition
Ships of Region Five - 2380
Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume One ­ Cruisers
Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume Two ­ Patrol Combatants
Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume Three ­ Scouts and Escorts
Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume Four ­ Star Fleet Operating Forces

Starfleet Prototype: 2380
STARFLEET Communiqué ­ Issue 96
STARFLEET Communiqué ­ Issue 97
STARFLEET Communiqué ­ Issue 98
Six Amendments for the STARFLEET Constitution
Region One Summit Logo Design


1998 STARFLEET Officer of the Year - Kurt Roithinger

Rear Admiral Kurt F Roithinger has labored hard to make STARFLEET International the premier Star Trek organization that it is.

 RAdm Roithinger completed work on the proposed 1998 STARFLEET International Constitution that was overwhelmingly passed by the membership with a 92% margin of ratification. In conjunction to this effort, he also spearheaded a Constitution Discussion List to provide a forum to discuss and debate proposals. He also redesigned the Constitution Website and included online versions of the 1986, 1990 and 1994 Constitutions.

 Rear Admiral Roithinger was overwhelmingly confirmed for his second two-year term as Regional Coordinator, Region 5 receiving no opposing votes. Under his stewardship, the Region was named the recipient of the STARFLEET Operations Region of the Year after tying with Region 15 last year.

 As an Admiralty Board member, he chaired a Task Force to establish STARFLEET's first actual Budget.

In addition to his duties as CO of Space Station Nexus and for the Admiralty Board, he began and completed a major redesign of the nationally recognized website as well as for Communications, Shuttle Ops Command and Department of Technical Services.


[STARFLEET Shuttle of the Tear 1999]

[Team Jaguar!]

The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Web Site is copyright Team Jaguar 1998-2008, all rights reserved.  The graphics used herein were created by Chris Wallace, Kurt Roithinger and David Pipgras. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site, or use the graphics on this page without our explicit permission.