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Overview The Special Warfare Operations/Rapid Deployment (SWORD) concept was created as a way to facilitate counter-terrorist operations throughout the territory of the United Federation of Planets, the territory of its allies, and to take the fight to the territory of the various terrorist organizations themselves. The Dominion/Cardassian War proved not only how effective terrorist operations could against an unprepared, peace-loving Federation, it showed just how deficient Starfleet, the SFMC, and the SFMC Special Operations Branch in particular were when it came to dealing with the frequency and ferocity of missions carried out by Dominion supported forces. While the Starfleet's Hazard Teams, and the SFMC’s HEAT, Ship Seizure, and Omega teams performed admirably, none were able to deploy and react fast enough to counter the many attacks propagated against Federation forces and citizens. The HEAT Teams defused many hostage situations, but required a minimum amount of lead-time to train and rehearse each specific operation, and time requirements varied wildly from operation to operation. The Ship Seizure teams, while effective in procuring stolen vessels, were ill equipped and under prepared when the terrorists responsible for several hijackings switched tactics away from ship-based operations. The Omega Teams were to busy conducting proactive operations and supplementing the FACTS teams to be of much assistance with counter-terror operations. In the early days of the War, it became obvious that a new approach must be taken to combat the growing terrorist threat. SWORD Team One was created using a minimal amount of forces and deployed to the field to combat terrorist operations in the ****** Sector. The team conducted its own intelligence operations and was able to react and deploy (using their own starship and small craft) in a very rapid fashion. SWORD-1 defused nine hostage crisis (rescuing 104 Federation citizens with only 11 casualties), liberated three starships hijacked by Cardassian terrorist forces (two ships were returned to service and one was destroyed in the operation), and through the use of proactive intelligence, were confirmed to have prevented at least four other terrorist acts before they could occur. As with any military operation, not all SWORD-1 missions were a complete success, and estimated 85% mission completion rate speaks for itself. The SWORD Concept is now being expanded to augment Team One, and create and deploy five other SWORD teams to various Federation-controlled sectors of space. This is deemed crucial to the safety and security of Federation citizens while Starfleet and the SFMC rebuild and rearm following the conclusion of the Dominion/Cardassian War. SWORD is also considered a long-term counter-terrorist solution for the SFMC and Starfleet. SWORD will also perform in concert with Federation and Starfleet security to assist facilities in preparing for any terrorist threat. SWORD will conduct active security penetrations of these facilities and make any recommendations to upgrade security at the conclusion of the operation.
Organization Unlike every other unit in the SFMC, is completely self-contained. The Team has its own operations, intelligence, training and supply/support departments. In addition, each SWORD Team has its own transportation systems, from a starship to smaller vessels. This allows each SWORD Team to act as rapidly and autonomously as possible in a crisis situation, and more importantly, provides for tighter security than most other SFMC units. Below is a breakdown of SWORD Team One:
<<<<< Operations Chart>>>>>>>
Missions Terrorist Security Examinations (Code Word “Crazy Dagger”): The primary overt mission of SWORD is to conduct security operations at Federation and Starfleet facilities galaxy-wide. These “penetrations” will be conducted in such a way that they are as realistic as possible without undue violation of safety procedures and causing permanent damage to the facility’s equipment. Temporary disruption of facility operations is authorized under some circumstances. SWORD will simulate terrorists acting against a predetermined facility. Prior to the commencement of operations, SWORD will arrange the estimated time and duration of the operation with the facility’s commanders or civilian operators. Threat conditions may be set at the base commander’s prerogative. SWORD will notify the facility upon the commencement of active operations (though intelligence gathering may be done covertly and ahead of time). At that point, the facility will be fair game for SWORD operations. While no permanent damage will be done, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) may be used, and signs of the penetration will be left in all major areas. Hostages may be taken as long as the safety of civilians is not compromised. SWORD is authorized to enter any and all secure areas in order to assess the security of the facility. In the case of delicate areas, care will be taken to cause no damage (using signage only). Upon the conclusion of operations, SWORD representatives will conduct debriefings of the facility’s operations and security departments to recommend changes and upgrades to security procedure.
Reactive Counter Terrorist Operations (Code Word “Broken China”): SWORD is fully capable of conduction reactive counter-terror operations on very short notice. In the event of a hostage scenario or theft of Federation property where time is of the essence, SWORD may be called into action. SWORD's extremely high level of training and experience with rapid-deployment makes the team the perfect choice to deal with any crisis. Unlike other special operations teams that require substantial outside support and preparation time, SWORD can move on a moment's notice using the team's own weapons, equipment, and transportation. In addition, SWORD has standing orders from the Commander, Starfleet to immediately requisition and use any Federation property required to complete the mission, as deemed necessary by the SWORD commander. SWORD is also authorized to assume command and control of any terrorist-related event when they arrive on scene, regardless of the command or agency in charge.
Proactive Counter Terrorist Operations (Code Word “Dark Arrow”): SWORD is the Federation's first-line unit for proactive operations in a counter-terror environment. The team conducts intelligence gathering missions, surveillance operations, agent extractions, equipment seizure, and other deep-cover operations where violence-of-action may become necessary. Elimination and destruction of terrorist training camps is a prime example of SWORD's primary covert mission.
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Excerpt from Federation News Feed article dated Stardate 99999.9 Elite Starfleet Marines Units Deal With Terrorist Threat By Jake Sisko Starfleet’s Special Warfare Operations/Rapid Deployment Team (SWORD) is one of two of the United Federation of Planets’ principle units tasked with counter terrorist operations inside and outside the UFP (the other being the Starfleet Hazard Squads). SWORD was created by SFMC LGN John Chavez on Stardate 9999.9 in direct response to numerous, well-publicized terrorist incidents that occurred prior to and during the Dominion War. From its inception, the counter terrorist teams of the late 20th, 21st, and early 22nd centuries have heavily influenced SWORD. The British SAS, US Army Delta Force, US Navy SEALs, Team Rainbow, and the Colonial Marines Space Recon are all units that have influenced SWORD in one way or another. The primary mission of SWORD is to conduct “penetrations” of Federation and Starfleet facilities, providing that facility’s security department with information vital to its own operations, and to prepare the department to face any terrorist threat. The unit is headquartered in a remote section of the SFMC’s sprawling Fort Hereford in the New Valley Forge system. Reports of the compound indicate that no expense has been spared, including numerous shooting facilities (both for close quarters battle and longer range sniping), and one of the largest holodeck facilities in the Federation. Yet, as lavish as these accouterments may seem, they all serve vital roles in training counter-terrorists. SWORD team members continually train as if they are in actuality, a terrorist cell. As such, they must train for any eventuality. These skills are enhanced by the unit's participation in an ongoing exchange and training programs with domestic counter-terrorist units such as Starfleet’s Elite Force Squads, and foreign counter-terrorist units, such as (as might be expected) the Klingon Nuk’that (Covert Action Teams), the Andorian A’Kethina, and Bajor’s own Special Service Regiment. Such close cooperation with other groups provides innumerable benefits, including exchanges of new tactics and equipment as well as enhancing relations that might prove useful in later real-world operations. SWORD troopers are also equipped with the most advanced weaponry and equipment available in the Starfleet arsenal. A significant portion of their gear is highly customized and cannot be found anywhere but in SWORD’s lockers. An example of this is a specially constructed energy inhibitor for suppressing noise and sound on various hand phasers and phaser rifles. The vast majority of the unit operatives come from the SFMC’s elite infantry battalions and Special Operations groups (HEAT, Para-Rescue, and the rumored Omega Teams), however candidates are drawn from all branches of the SFMC (including the SFMC Reserve and Planetary Guard), Starfleet, and may even include qualified civilian personnel. Those initially selected are usually chosen in one of three ways. The first of these is in response to recommendations by SFMC unit commanders. The second method is by word-of-mouth, or personal recommendation from sources whose opinions are important to SWORD screeners. Finally, on occasion the unit will require the skills of individuals who might not fall into one of the first two categories. If, in the instance that SWORD’s commanders feel that an individual would make a valuable addition to the team (for example someone who speaks an obscure language or possesses hard-to-come by technical skills), a representative from SWORD will be dispatched specifically to interview that person. Little is known about the day-to-day operations of the SWORD teams, but as much as they avoid publicity and conduct covert operations, SWORD does not appear to be as secretive as the (unconfirmed) Omega Teams.
Declassified excerpt from SFMC memo that lead to establishment of SWORD TO: COMMANDANT, SFMC FROM: COMMANDER, SFMC SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND RE: SPEC OPS DEFICIENCIES AND SOLUTIONS As the Dominion War continues, it is obvious to those of us in the field that the Special Operations branch of the SFMC, while completing most mission objectives, is falling far short in the area of counter terrorism and rapid deployment. The HEAT teams, while well trained, are unable to deploy with enough speed to combat the terrorist activity propagated by the Cardassians against Federation citizens. Likely causes of this are the compartmentalization of Special Operations forces, rivalry between teams (HEAT vs. Omega, Para-Rescue vs. HEAT, etc), and the lack of cross training by each unit. It is the opinion of this command that the Special Operations branch cannot solve these deficiencies internally. The creation of a new team outside the branch will not only augment the current mission profile in Special Operations, it will allow current teams to focus on their specific missions, while allowing the new force to focus on security, cross training and rapid deployment. Special Warfare Operations/Rapid Deployment (code named SWORD) will be a small, self-sufficient unit able to conduct three main mission profiles (two covert, one overt): Proactive: Conduct independent intelligence and surveillance operations of possible threats and act to counter any terrorist threat before it occurs. This is the first covert mission profile. Reactive: Conduct operations in reaction to terrorist operations anywhere within (or without) Federation borders. This is the second covert mission profile. Demonstrative: Conduct security examinations of Federation and Starfleet facilities, acting in the role of potential terrorist factions using tactics common in terrorist incidents. This will be SWORD’s overt role, providing cover for their covert mission profiles. The SWORD Team will include its own intelligence, operations, and support forces. SWORD Teams will be able to act independently should the need arise. Command and Control will fall directly under the Commander, Starfleet, outside of the traditional Starfleet/SFMC chain of command. Included in the following document is the Table of Organization and Equipment for SWORD Team One as proposed by the Commander, Special Operations.
John Chavez
SWORD, SWORD Team One, and Special Warfare Operations/Rapid Deployment, and all related terms and concepts are copyright John Adcock 2000-03, all rights reserved. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site without explicit written permission of the author. Permission is granted for one hard copy for personal use. Any opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of STARFLEET or the STARFLEET Marine Corps. Star Trek; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Star Trek: Voyager and Starfleet are registered trade marks of Paramount Pictures Corporation, a division of Viacom. Neither the author’s copyright in this material, nor any part of the material itself, nor the use of Star Trek, are intended to in any way infringe upon any and all copyrights, trademarks, or licenses held by Paramount Pictures.