USS Jaguar Logo

USS Jaguar NCC 74750[U.S.S. Jaguar NCC-74750]

Fun Stuff
Web Ring





Nexus Tactical Squadron Logo



The Nexus Tactical Squadron (NTS) is an alliance of STARFLEET chapters created to foster mutual support and share ideas. Currently made up of four chapters, the NTS is a think-tank of some of the finest minds in STARFLEET. The goal of the NTS is to create new ideas and methods of improving STARFLEET on the regional and fleet level.


NTS member chapters are made up of many current and former members of the STARFLEET Executive Committee, the STARFLEET Admiralty Board (made up of Regional Coordinators), fleet and regional staffs. All facets and departments of STARFLEET are represented, to include STARFLEET Academy and the STARFLEET Marine Corps.


Current NTS member chapters include:



USS Jaguar Logo U.S.S. Jaguar NCC-74750 (Pembroke, Ontario Canada)
- Former Flagship of STARFLEET Academy
USS Maat Logo U.S.S. Maat NCC-1794-A (Virginia Beach, VA)
- Former Flagship of the Chief Financial Officer, STARFLEET
U.S.S. Magellan, NCC-72014
Flagship of Region 14
U.S.S. White Star, Region 13
Flagship of Region 13


[Team Jaguar!]

The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 Web Site is copyright Team Jaguar 1998-2008, all rights reserved. Please don't repost this document, make this document publicly accessible via FTP, mail server, or archive site without our explicit permission.

Nexus Space Dock and the concept of Space Station Nexus are copyright Allyson M. W. Dyar and Kurt Roithinger. The USS Jaguar, NCC-74750 and Nexus Tactical Squadron have our permission to use the term "Nexus" and use Nexus Space Dock in any and all fiction. For more information on Space Station Nexus, link to: